Modified Delphi panel consensus recommendations for management of severe aplastic anemia | Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation (AAMDSIF) Return to top.

Modified Delphi panel consensus recommendations for management of severe aplastic anemia

Journal Title: 
Blood Advances
Primary Author: 
Babushok DV
Babushok DV, DeZern AE, de Castro CM, Rogers ZR, Beenhouwer D, Broder MS, Fanning SR, Gibbs SN, Hanna R, Maciejewski JP, Scott BL, Tantravahi SK, Wlodarski MW, Yermilov I, Patel BJ
Original Publication Date: 
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Bone Marrow Disease(s): 

Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is a rare hematologic condition for which there is no clear management algorithm. A panel of 11 experts on adult and pediatric aplastic anemia was assembled and, using the RAND/University of California, Los Angeles modified Delphi panel method, evaluated >600 varying patient care scenarios to develop clinical recommendations for the initial and subsequent management of patients of all ages with SAA. Here, we present the panel's recommendations to rule out inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, on supportive care before and during first-line therapy, and on first-line (initial management) and second-line (subsequent management) therapy of acquired SAA, focusing on when transplant vs medical therapy is most appropriate. These recommendations represent the consensus of 11 experts informed by published literature and experience. They are intended only as general guidance for experienced clinicians who treat patients with SAA and are in no way intended to supersede individual physician and patient decision making. Current and future research should validate this consensus using clinical data. Once validated, we hope these expert panel recommendations will improve outcomes for patients with SAA.