Since 1997, Tony has served on the AAMDSIF Board of Directors, bringing his professional expertise from the financial and investment world to the organization. But it was his personal experience as the parent of a young daughter with aplastic anemia that cemented Tony’s and his wife, Briget’s, commitment to helping other patients and families. Rachel, now an adult, was successfully treated with ATG and has been medication free for over a decade. Tony’s involvement has grown from his early work with the AAMDSIF’s Earl J. Goldberg Chapter in Chicago in the 1990s, where his family lived when Rachel was diagnosed. He now serves as Treasurer on AAMDSIF’s Board. Tony’s leadership has contributed to the long-term financial strength of the organization and allowed for its growth to serve more patients and families with more programs. He and Briget have also matched his service to the organization with their philanthropic leadership, giving generously over the years. Now living in Westport, CT, AAMDSIF is pleased to recognize Tony Sanfilippo for his years of service in this way.